CLAWS Featured in CNN's "The Next Frontier" Episode on Future of Food
CNN's recent episode of The Next Frontier, titled “How We’ll Eat in 2050“ delves into the future of food through technological advances and explores the possibility of whether AI-powered robots could be the next frontier in farming. In the episode, our co-founder and CEO, James Brown, discussed the challenges that the food system is facing, and the environmental impact of current agricultural practices. In this episode, we are proposing a potential solution to these issues, which we are actively developing and implementing, called CLAWS.
Behind the scenes of CNN’s episode of The Next Frontier.
CLAWS, which stands for Concentrated Light Autonomous Weeding and Scouting, is our innovative autonomous rover that uses GPS guidance to navigate through fields, performing both scouting and weeding tasks. CLAWS’s advanced technology enables it to autonomously identify and eradicate weeds, enhancing farming efficiency and sustainability. By using concentrated light, CLAWS not only removes the need for chemicals but also reduces soil erosion, leading to healthier crops and eliminating the negative environmental impacts of alternative farming methods.
Overall, The Next Frontier episode provided an insightful look into the innovative solutions being developed by companies like Earth Rover, as the combination of cutting-edge technology with sustainable agriculture practices has the potential to revolutionize the way food will be grown and consumed in the future as we continue to face pressing global challenges related to food security and sustainability.